[aprssig] Mobile Digi

joe at dellabarba.com joe at dellabarba.com
Mon Jun 15 08:38:34 EDT 2009

My boat is set up with an alias of WIDE1-1.
IMHO it might not be good to do this with a car in congested areas. You could get 20 digis in the same area and QRM each other to death.

According to aprs.org/newN/WIDE1-1settings.txt:
"We do NOT want mobiles routinely doing WNDEn-N, but we DO want them available
to support special FD and other special events."

I'm sure there's some logic to why we don't want the mobiles to do WIDEn-N.
Can someone enlighten me as to why this is a bad thing?

How about mobiles setup to digi on WIDE1-1, is that a bad thing?

William McKeehan

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