[aprssig] Thinking Out Loud About... Digipeaters

Tom Hayward esarfl at gmail.com
Thu Jul 23 14:18:29 EDT 2009

> Plese consider using the TEMPn-N network for temporary systems.

There are pros and cons to TEMPn-N vs WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1,SAR7-7.

TEMPn-N facts:
Any D700 can digipeat TEMPn-N.
Every tracker will need to reconfigure his path to TEMP7-7 to utilize TEMPn-N.
While the tracker's path is set to TEMP7-7, it cannot utilize the
standard APRS network.

Preempt SARn-N facts:
A D700 cannot preempt-digipeat SAR7-7.
Every tracker can leave his path permanently set to WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1,SAR7-7.
Works simultaneously with the standard APRS network (WIDEn-N).
Requires smart digipeater like Tracker2 or digi_ned

The choice probably comes down to what equipment you have now. If your
special event team owns mostly D700s, you may want to use TEMPn-N. If
your team owns mostly Tracker2s, you can preempt and continue using
WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1 while also utilizing a temporary network. If your
teams need new hardware, the Tracker2 is the more inexpensive option,
and more capable in this case.


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