[aprssig] Gating Objects from Internet to RF (fina?l)

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Wed Jul 22 12:24:40 EDT 2009

We hashed most of this all out a few years ago back when we
first got into discussions with Echolink to put out APRS info.
I still like the format we came up with back then and the one we
eneded up with in the APRS frequency spec for Echolink nodes:

> POSIT:   ;EL-255256*211554z5125.53NE00604.37E0
> COMMENT: 438.700MHz T000 Rxxm STATUS CALL ...

This will display on the existing 10,000+ kenwoods as:

| EL-123456  |
| 438.700MHz |
| Tnnn Rxxm  |
| STATUS..   | CALL ... is only viewable on bigger cilents

And the Echolink node callsign will show up on newer radios and
all other APRS clients to the maximum length allowed.  

HOWEVER.  I do think we can improve this a bit, and simply take
the single letter abbreviation for the STATUS and combine that
with the CALLSIGN in the last line so that ALL useful
information is provided to the mobile operator.  Here is that

POSIT:   ;EL-255256*211554z5125.53NE00604.37E0
COMMENT: 438.700MHz T000 Rxxm S CALL

This will display as:

| EL-123456  |
| 438.700MHz |
| Tnnn Rxxm  |
| S CALL..   |

The only problem is that there is only 6 bytes for the CALL, and
so the -R or -L is missing to the mobile operator, but I don't
think that is important information for the mobile operator?
Does it make any difference?  It will show on longer displays or
on 4 letter calls.  

The typical mobile operator's use of this info is to MESSAGE a
buddy and say "CALL ME ON EL-123456".  And he doesn't even need
the call, just the node number.

Here are the status bytes provided by Lynn:
F = Offline
N = Online
C = Conference
B = Busy

Anyway, I think that about summarizes everyon's comments

Bob, Wb4APR

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