[aprssig] Gating Objects from Internet to RF

Steve Dimse steve at dimse.com
Wed Jul 22 11:19:06 EDT 2009

You are right that my concern was the use of the echolink station's  
callsign. I don't much care whether it is a ham callsign or a tactical  
call. I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "Having multiple  
software/stations use the same callsign will cause loop checking  
algorithms to sometimes delete non-duplicate packets." but you are the  
expert on that and I'll defer to your knowledge.


On Jul 22, 2009, at 11:11 AM, Pete Loveall AE5PL Lists wrote:

> My main comment is don't use KJ4ERJ as the "from call".  Why?   
> Because you already use it and ALL station callsigns must be unique.  
> Having multiple software/stations use the same callsign will cause  
> loop checking algorithms to sometimes delete non-duplicate packets.  
> Sergej misunderstood Steve's post.  Steve made no reference to using  
> a callsign such as ECHOSVR (although he tends to not like these  
> types of "callsigns"); Steve was simply saying it should be unique  
> and not the Echolink station's callsign since the Echolink station  
> is not generating the packet (sorry Sergej).
> I highly recommend using a unique callsign that, as Mike mentioned,  
> could then be Googled and the explanation/contact information for  
> that "station" would easily be found.

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