[aprssig] Doubling APRS messaging in ham radio overnight

Chuck Gooden Chuck.Gooden at comcast.net
Sun Jan 25 18:54:28 EST 2009

If someone where to google "DTMF pic" there seems to be a lot of code 
and circuits already developed that would decode the DTMF tones using 
pic.  There maybe some for the 6800 too but I didn't google that.  Using 
one of these circuits one would only need to add the paging text 
converter.  It should be a fairly simple task for someone that wants to 
learn about pics and finance a portion of their hobby, or write an 
article for QST.   I am interested, but too busy at this time and have 
not worked with pic at all yet but do write software.

> What we really need is someone to take on the simple task of a
> PIC converter to convert APRS messages to DTMF PAGING text
> messages so that those dozens of THOUSANDS of existing amateur
> radio DTMF paging HT's can be used to receive and send APRS
> messages.  

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