[aprssig] Weather Station Path/Rate Recommendations

John johnk.mchugh at att.net
Tue Jan 20 13:26:21 EST 2009

William McKeehan wrote:

>I'm looking for an "official" source (i.e., something like a page on aprs.org)
>of recommendations for weather station path's and rates on RF.


Weather rates ought to be about 15-30 minutes under normal conditions. 
Our interest here at NHC notes that the weather changes slowly during an 
approaching hurricane so rates quicker than these don't help us.
However I can see that with a tornado bearing down on you you might want 
to set the rate to be once a minute for accurate data to determine it's 
path. But that should be returned to normal after it has passed.
As for paths, several hops might be useful so the data hits a few 
gateways (never rely on a specific gateway, it could be down) or better 
yet setup your own gateway if possible.

Also, if you have a weather station join the CWOP, see our web page for 
details and a free version of the Weather Display software.


John Mc Hugh, K4AG
Coordinator for Amateur Radio  
National Hurricane Center, WX4NHC
Home page:- http://www.wx4nhc.org

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