[aprssig] VX-8R APRS radio

Mark Cheavens mcheavens at usa.net
Wed Feb 4 22:10:51 EST 2009

I have posted many comments in the past on this sig and even more on 
the VX8 yahoo group.

At 08:48 PM 2/4/2009, you wrote:
>Well, I finally got a VX-8R radio and it looks pretty neat.  Though 
>it is taking me a long time to figure out all the buttons, and 
>menu's and whistles.
>I got the speaker-mic with the GPS and it appears to be very 
>sensitive.  I get 4 satellites on the first floor of my 2 floor house.
>The station info takes a different approach than kenwood.  The VX8R 
>displays all of a station's information on one virtual page of 8 
>lines and you scroll the 4-high window up and down that page to see 
>all the data.   The D7 displays the different aspecs of information 
>for a station on multiple 3-line pages of info.
>I am collecting any comments from others about lessons learned on this radio.
>Bob, WB4APR
>aprssig mailing list
>aprssig at tapr.org

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