[aprssig] 36v inverter ... hopelessly OT

Steve Noskowicz noskosteve at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 5 00:42:26 EDT 2009

I was thinkin' just a fork.  That way we could also use it for an eating place...  or .... would that be a flatware/silverware store?! (;-)

-- 73, Steve, K9DCI

--- Jason Rausch wrote:
> I can see it now.  We'll need a forklift icon so we
> can track you driving down the road at 6 MPH. 
> OpenForkTracker :o)

> --- Scott Miller <scott at opentrac.org> wrote:
> > Anyone know where I can get a 36 VDC
> > to 110 VAC inverter for a reasonable price?  It
> > occurred to me that it'd be a nice accessory to go with my
> > new toy here at Argent HQ:
> > 
> > http://n1vg.net/images/fork.jpg
> > ScottN1VG


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