[aprssig] Can these radios be used to pick up AIS ?

Pierre Thibaudeau ve2prt at sympatico.ca
Mon Aug 3 18:04:56 EDT 2009

Tomorrow, 07:49 +1000, Andrew Rich (Home) wrote:

>    Sample serial output ?

Here's a link to an excellent reference to the AIVDM/AIVDO format.


And here are sample lines pasted from that document:

   !AIVDM,2,1,3,B,55P5TL01VIaAL at 7WKO@mBplU@<PDhh000000001S;AJ::4A80?4i at E53,0*3E
   !AIVDM,2,2,3,B,1 at 0000000000000,2*55

If you feel that's hard to understand, I agree. But it's nothing compared 
to figuring out the binary protocol that is actually transmitted over the 
air (described in ITU recommendation M.1371-3).

'73 - Pierre

Pierre Thibaudeau

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