[aprssig] Catch It While It Lasts - Real Time Digipeater Map of US

Lynn W. Deffenbaugh (Mr) ldeffenb at homeside.to
Mon Aug 3 16:42:32 EDT 2009

I'm not sure what filter you used to get these digipeaters, but not 
everything that uses a digi symbol is a digi and not every digi uses a 
digipeater symbol.  I generate daily maps of the active digis and IGates 
for the lower 48 states (of the USA) and make them available at:

http://ldeffenb.dnsalias.net.nyud.net/Tracking/Act24/* (the trailing * 
is required)

Scroll to the bottom for the most recent day.  You're looking for the 
one ending in USA(4)-5.png.  My definition of a Digi or an IGate is 
based on where it appears in the path on an APRS-IS packet.  I inject a 
range filter only for the United States and analyze every packet for 
status.  Oh, and a Digi or an IGate (for the purposes of these graphs) 
isn't allowed to move.

I also do slightly closer views of quadrants of the US.  You can 
recognize them by the SW/SE/NE/NW in the name.  Also:

(0) - All traffic
(1) - Direct IGate traffic only (not all areas)
(2) - Digi/IGate traffic (most like your neat map) (IGates are bigger 
circles/fonts than Digis)
(3) - Unlabeled map of Movers (black dots) with Digi/Igates as red circles
(4) - As (3) w/large/small green dots for IGate/Digis.

Lynn (D) - KJ4ERJ - APRS-IS Infrastructure Visualization

PS.  For a composite view of the past 2 weeks of APRS activity on a 
single map, check out:

http://ldeffenb.dnsalias.net.nyud.net/Tracking/Act00/* (the trailing * 
is required)

(Again, the most recent data is at the bottom)

Stephen H. Smith wrote:
> Weather activity has been very low today so little NWS data was being 
> plotted on my whole US map at:
>   <http://wa8lmf.dyndns.org:14439> 
> Just for kicks, I decided to add all digipeaters to the port 14580 
> feed that normally only supplies NWS data to this map.     Take a look 
> before I decide to shut down this bandwidth-sucking firehose of  APRS 
> data....
> Again, this is a large (1850 x 950 pixels) image so scroll right to 
> see the eastern part of the US.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -- 
> Stephen H. Smith    wa8lmf (at) aol.com
> EchoLink Node:      WA8LMF  or 14400    [Think bottom of the 2M band]
> Skype:        WA8LMF
> Home Page:          http://wa8lmf.net
> JavAPRS Filter Port 14580 Guide
>  http://wa8lmf.net/aprs/JAVaprsFilters.htm
> "APRS 101"  Explanation of APRS Path Selection & Digipeating
>  http://wa8lmf.net/DigiPaths
> Updated "Rev H" APRS            http://wa8lmf.net/aprs
> Symbols Set for UI-View,
> UIpoint and APRSplus:
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