[aprssig] EchoLink APRS-IS Ojbects Mothballed

Bill V WA7NWP wa7nwp at gmail.com
Mon Aug 3 11:59:28 EDT 2009

> This new Igate code would be user friendly and allow for
> provision for all the other local info services:
> 1) Local Echolink and IRLP node objects
> 2) Local Traffic speed objects
> 3) Local Meeting and Net annoucncements
> 4) Satellites In view for mobiles.
> 5) etc...

We have much of that available now on DIGI_NED.   (Including where's
the nearest Espresso stand -- critical for out here in the sunny hot
pacific northwest...)    I'll hook Williams code into digi_ned RSN
when I get my system back on line.  It'll be tweaked to create a real
object that shows on the D7XX display.

No need to clutter APRS-IS with this info...

Bill - WA7NWP

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