[aprssig] Extending javAPRSSrvr's dupeTime

Pierre Thibaudeau ve2prt at sympatico.ca
Mon Sep 22 13:01:13 EDT 2008

Hi all,

In the attached log extract, we see 7 position reports that were received 
in duplicate while connected to some APRS-IS server (montreal.aprs2.net).
It appears that javAPRSSrvr's default 30s for dupeTime is not long enough 
to catch all duplicates.

Each log entry is preceeded by a comment line with a timestamp when the 
message was received on my local host.

The target I was following was a balloon and it appeared to be bouncing 
up and down. (See the altitude value.)

Would it be advisable to increase dupeTime, say to 90 seconds, on tier 1 
and tier 2 servers? Would there be any drawback doing so?

'73 - Pierre

Pierre Thibaudeau
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