[aprssig] ARES Activation Indicator

Bill Diaz william.diaz at comcast.net
Thu Oct 2 09:07:51 EDT 2008

	See below:

>-----Original Message-----
>From: aprssig-bounces at lists.tapr.org 
>[mailto:aprssig-bounces at lists.tapr.org] On Behalf Of William McKeehan
>Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2008 07:49
>To: TAPR APRS Mailing List
>Subject: Re: [aprssig] ARES Activation Indicator
>I've never seen a bulletin to activate local skywarn spotters. 
>The only thing
>that I have seen is the MRX_OUTLK object. I do not know the 
>origin of these

	These objects are generated by the WxSvr server from NWS HWO
(Hazardous Weather Outlook) products generated by each Weather Forecast
Office.  These may be generated 2 times per day, or more often when severe
weather conditions warrant.

Bill KC9XG

>William McKeehan
>On Wed, October 1, 2008 10:11 am, Robert Bruninga wrote:
>>> a DRILL notice to stand-by for activation...
>>> If I look at my APRS display, I see
>>> MRX_OUTLK - it tells me if spotter
>>> activation is expected simply based on
>>> the symbol used (and it lets me get
>>> more information about the upcoming event).
>> I assume that skywarn spotters are called by an APRS bulletin?
>> With the correct formatting, all those with voice modules in
>> their D700 or D710's should hear the voice announcement.  Or
>> some part of it.  If the correct words from the radio vocabulary
>> are chosen for the message..
>> Is someone working on this?
>> Bob
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