[aprssig] "Blind" APRS

k4rjj at bellsouth.net k4rjj at bellsouth.net
Fri Nov 7 16:19:08 EST 2008

 Does DOS APRS do messaging?  If so a screen reader would be all that is needed.  I wonder if Xastir is screen reader friendly.

K4RJJ Ronny

 -------------- Original message from "Patrick" <winston at winston1.net>: --------------

We were chatting about APRS on the way to work the other day on the local 
> repeater.  Oneof the guys in the discussion brought up something I've never really considered.  
> Isthere any currently system(s) for using APRS which would be usable by a blind 
> operator?
> If so, does anyone here know of any end users of such systems that wouldn't mind 
> tradinga couple emails on the subject?  I'm prepping a presentation on APRS for 
> January, andthought that adding some content on that aspect might ensure that even people 
> who know
> about APRS might learn something they didn't know before..
> p
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