[aprssig] APRSDOS source code?

Tom Russo russo at bogodyn.org
Mon May 26 17:44:54 EDT 2008

On Mon, May 26, 2008 at 02:34:31PM -0700, we recorded a bogon-computron collision of the <scott at opentrac.org> flavor, containing:
> It's in the first Google hit for "APRSDOS source":
> http://eng.usna.navy.mil/~bruninga/aprs/errata.html

Yep, there it is.  I had skipped right over that line in google because the
word "source" appeared in a sentence that had nothing to do with source
code ("... I-Gate source...").

> About two thirds of the way down.  Good luck - the ratio of about 50 
> lines of code per comment makes it a little difficult to follow.

Yeah, well, reading uncommented code in write-only languages is what I do
for a living.  Kill me.  Please.

> Tom Russo wrote:
> > It has been mentioned many times that the APRSDOS source code is available
> > for download.  I cannot find a link to the source code anywhere on Bob's site 
> > and there's no obvious source code file on TAPR's site (where Bob's site
> > links to "Download APRS".
> > 
> > I was thinking of spending some time getting proper bulletin generation support
> > into Xastir, and wanted to scan over the APRSDOS implementation before deciding
> > how to proceed.
> > 
> > Anyone know what the URL is?
> > 

Tom Russo    KM5VY   SAR502   DM64ux          http://www.swcp.com/~russo/
Tijeras, NM  QRPL#1592 K2#398  SOC#236 AHTB#1 http://kevan.org/brain.cgi?DDTNM
 "It's so simple to be wise: just think of something stupid to say and
  then don't say it."  --- Sam Levinson

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