[aprssig] Re: Tactical Value? [was: VX-8R Symbol/SSID

Phillip zl2tze at yahoo.com.au
Thu May 22 15:56:42 EDT 2008

Hi All,
         I have to agree with Scott N1VG and Stephen WA8LMF  on this.

Ok the 4 or 5 major manufactures are out there 1 or 2 are doing their bit in
APRS but the others are dragging behind and for what reason only they know.

I ask why stop at the 4 or 5 Big manufacturers there are dozens out there
that have a radio which is doing APRS in 1 form or another .


Sooner or later we will have a list like this

APn  3rd digit is a number
      AP1WWX  TAPR T-238+ WX station
      AP4Rxy  APRS4R software interface
      APnnnD  Painter Engineering uSmartDigi D-Gate DSTAR Gateway
      APnnnU  Painter Engineering uSmartDigi Digipeater
 APA  APAFxx  AFilter.
      APAGxx  AGATE
      APAGWx  SV2AGW's AGWtracker
      APAXxx  AFilterX.
      APAHxx  AHub
      APAWxx  AGWPE 
 APB  APBxxx  Beacons or Rabbit TCPIP micros?
      APBLO   MOdel Rocketry K7RKT
 APC  APCLxx  Cellular applications
      APCLEZ  Telit EZ10 GSM application ZS6CEY
      APCYxx  Cybiko applications
 APD  APRSd,  etc
      APDTxx  APRStouch Tone (DTMF)
      APDFxx  Automatic DF units
      APDPRS  D-Star originated posits
 APE  APExxx  Telemetry devices
      APERXQ  Experimental tracker by PE1RXQ
 APF  APFxxx  Firenet
      APFGxx  Flood Gage (KP4DJT)
 APG          Gates, etc
 APH          HamHud, etc
 API          Icom, etc
      APICQx  for ICQ
      APJExx  JeAPRS
      APJIxx  jAPRSIgate
      APJSxx  javAPRSSrvr
 APK  APK0xx  Kenwood THD7's
      APK1xx  Kenwood D700's
 APL          Liunx applications
 APM          MacAPRS, etc
 APN          Network nodes, digis, etc
      APN3xx  Kantronics KPC-3 rom versions
      APN9xx  Kantronics KPC-9612 Roms
      APNAxx  WB6ZSU's APRServe
      APNDxx  DIGI_NED
      APNMxx  MJF TNC roms
      APNPxx  Paccom TNC roms
      APNTxx  SV2AGW's TNT tnc as a digi
      APNUxx  UIdigi
      APNXxx  TNC-X  (K6DBG)
      APNK01  Kenwood D700 (APK101) type
      APNK80  KAM version 8.0
      APNKMP  KAM+
 APO  APRSpoint
      APOTxx  Open Track
      APOD1w  Open Track with 1 wire WX
      APOU2k  Open Track for Ultimeter
 APP          pocketAPRS, etc
 APQ  APQxxx  Earthquake data
 APR  APR8xx  APRSdos versions 800+
      APRDxx  APRSdata, APRSdr
      APRKxx  APRStk
      APRS    Generic, (obsolete. Digis should use APNxxx instead)
      APRXxx  APRSmax
      APRTLM  used in MIM's and Mic-lites, etc
      APRtfc  APRStraffic
      APRSTx  APRStt (Touch tone)
 APS  APRS+SA, etc
 APT  APTIGR  TigerTrack
      APTTxx  Tiny Track
      APT2xx  Tiny Track II
      APT3xx  Tiny Track III
      APTAxx  K4ATM's tiny track
      APTWxx  Byons WXTrac
      APTVxx  for ATV/APRN and SSTV applications
 APU  APU1xx  UIview 16 bit applications
      APU2xx  UIview 32 bit apps
      APU3xx  UIview terminal program
 APV          Voice over Internet  applications
      APVRxx  for IRLP
      APVLxx  for I-LINK
      APVExx  for ECHO link
 APW  APWxxx  WinAPRS, etc
      APWSxx  DF4IAN's WS2300 WX station
 APX  APXnnn  Xastir
      APXRnn  Xrouter
 APY  APYxxx  Yeasu
 APZ          Experimental
      APZ0xx  Xastir (old versions. See APX)
      APZPAD  Smart Palm 
      APZWIT  MAP27 radio (Mountain Rescue) EI7IG

I can see the day when we all have to have a laminated A5 sheet in the
mobile or Home station with all this data on it just so we can see
what each Icon and overlay means and what it can and can't do

Remember we are a global system involving many countries and some of these
countries don't yet have some of the modern gear that is
readily available off the shelf.

What will be next we have mobile symbols next we will want a Model Overlay
for Chevy, Toyota, Honda , Ford, Mazda etc

>From what I have read we are tied to the current APRS spec because of the
limitations with the 5000 odd Kenwood radios out there because they are not
up gradable 
Lets no force other manufactures to go the same route 

If identifying what a APRS system can and can't do is a big issue then use
the beacon text field to state D700  Chat   / IC 260a  No Chat     

Well that's my dollars worth and at todays inflation rate its about 1 cents

73 Philllip

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