[aprssig] Overlooked TM-D710 Features

William McKeehan mckeehan at mckeehan.homeip.net
Sat May 10 09:41:43 EDT 2008

I for one am glad that you guys got started in this discussion. It's the best
description of the D710's features that I've seen since the product was

William McKeehan
Follow me on twitter http://twitter.com/mckeehan

On Sat, May 10, 2008 12:12 am, Bob Bruninga wrote:
>> I don't know why I get myself into these
>> discussions.
> Me too.  But for anyone that is still reading, these kinds of discussions
> allow us to get to the bottom of what we are both trying to understand about
> what the other is saying...
> Bob, Wb4APR

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