[aprssig] NOCALL reporting north of Gettysburg PA

DL3 timelord64 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 27 07:34:51 EST 2008

Actually, he is just North of Chambersburg and he has been having
issues with his D7A. It seems like everytime he leaves town it goes
bad (doesn't seem to do it when he is home, LOL). I have been in
communication with him about it, and it will be fixed when he gets
back this weekend. I think he has a problem with his power connection
to the radio, that is causing a power surge, which resets the D7A to
the "NOCALL" setting.

Darrell Lingenfield 3rd

On 1/25/08, Joseph M. Durnal <joseph.durnal at gmail.com> wrote:
> I don't have APRS setup at the home QTH right now but I kept seeng a
> NOCALL on the screen north of Gettysburg Pa, or at least that is where
> it was reporting it was.  It seems likely as the station I was using
> here in Frederick, MD was hearing it on the second and third hop of
> its 3 hop path.  The packets included text indicating the operator's
> name was Bob and it was a Kenwood D7A.
> 73 de Joe NE3R
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