[aprssig] Proof of concept: APRS web client and database on GoogleApp Engine

Keith VE7GDH ve7gdh at rac.ca
Sat Aug 2 21:39:07 EDT 2008

Jeff N1YWB wrote...

> http://trackulator.appspot.com/
> I wrote a simple Google App Engine web application to store APRS 
> position
> reports in a database and make the data available to whoever wants it.

Looks pretty good. The date-time format is easy to read. Having the lat 
/ long in degrees minutes decimal would be nice. Seeing the raw data 
beside the lat long would be nice too. From that the symbol could be 
seen, voltage,  temperature and altitude when available, APRS messages 
etc. None-the-less, a nice web application!

http://trackulator.appspot.com/api/json/getpositions won't load for me. 
Perhaps I'm supposed to add a parameter like callsign? I wasn't sure of 
the format if that's the case.

asks if I want to save the file or find a program online to open it. 
Saving it produced a text file with the following contents:

Ah... similar to what you had in the "example result" on your site.

Keep up the good work!

73 es cul - Keith VE7GDH
"I may be lost, but I know exactly where I am!" 

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