[aprssig] RTrak: APRS All-In-One Tracker Sneak Peak

Ev Tupis w2ev at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 22 11:04:31 EDT 2007

----- Original Message ----

> A basic description of the RTrak is an all-in-one  tracker with
> integrated GPS, 2M Transmitter and SMT OpenTracker 1+.


Has OpenTracker gone the way of that other tracker and joined the no
listen before transmit dark side?

I may be speaking out of school (as this may be addressed in a different way), but the PropNET crowd handles a similar problem (hidden transmitters) by setting the ID interval in minutes while the program then randomizes the actual TX time to some second within the minute.  In this way, two stations that don't hear each other can still be heard by others, even though they are on the same frequency.

OpenTracker may have a similar mitigation scheme.

Ev, W2EV

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