[aprssig] Voice Repeater NO-TONE

Steve Noskowicz noskosteve at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 4 14:15:02 EST 2007

   Leaving the Txyz off altoghther leaves uncertanty. 

   I kinda favor the "Tnot" or a little better "Tnil" (or perhaps "Tnul") as
they are the most explicit.  
   Now, T000 seems obvious and it has a format very close to the T107 format, 
However, I think it is just a little indirect [ 000 isn't a frequency] or one
half-step removed from "No Tone required"..   While, 000 may very strongly
imply "No Tone required" it still seems liek an implication. T--- is similar. 
   I'd like Tnone as gramatically "nice", but that violates the already alloted
space.  Also considered Tnon, but that is also strange and somewhat obscure in

  I also pondered  "No-T", or "no T" while gramatically good, it is too unlike
the standard Txxx format, but that may be a good thing just to call attention
to the fact that this is a no PL repeater.  This then suggested T-no, which is
gramatically awkward. 


73, Steve, K9DCI

--- Bob Bruninga  <bruninga at usna.edu> wrote:

> > Is there a standard way to represent no tone 
> > required? I realize that the simple answer 
> > might be to simply omit the tone from the beacon 
> > text...
> Yes, I tend to leave it out when there is no tone.  That leaves more room for
> other things of value.  But we do need a notone nomenclature.  How about T000
> or Tnot or Tzip or T--- or Tnil or...
> Of these I guess I'd go with T000?
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