[aprssig] Re: Ham radio shops in New York (Manhattan?)

Arte Booten n2zrc at optonline.net
Wed Jun 6 07:53:16 EDT 2007

Hi all,

Charlie wrote:

>Hal ... hangs on the LIMARC repeater ...

That's 146.850 (input -600 kHz) CTCSS 136.5. By custom, they use the
"roundtable" format ... that is, the microphone gets passed around the
table until it gets back to you.  73

|  Mr. Arthur "Arte" Booten   Riverdale, NY  <n2zrc!rEm0vEn0sPaM!@arrl.net>  |
| Cruise Missile Coordinates: 4052.72 N / 07354.05 W  [FN30bv]  OES NYC ARES |
|   PGP Key Fingerprint: B86A 64F1 8A40 9113 2D25  516C 1256 2C6A D351 4B7C  |

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