[aprssig] Need help - APRSPoint to TCPIP

Victor Fraenckel victorf at windreader.com
Sat Jul 14 12:57:11 EDT 2007

I have been trying to make a TCPIP connection to any aprs2 server using 
APRSPoint. I am a registered user of APRSPoint and am running version 
4.1.0 on a XP Home edition with SP2 and all updates on my desktop 
computer. I have a broadband connection to the internet.

Here is the situation. I have verified that my igatepw.txt file contains 
the proper information. My Connect APRS Server Information window is:

Server: midwest.aprs2.net
Port:   14580
filter  p/W

I have selected Reconnect and 25 times

Backup Server info:

Server: newengland.aprs2.net
Port:   14580
Filter: p/W

I have selected connect on startup.

When AP starts, I get the message "Connected to midwest.aprs2.net:14580" 
on the status line. After approximately 1 minute the message changes to 
"Connected to midwest.aprs2.net:14580[1]". This continues up to [25] and 
then the message changes to the newengland.aprs2.net. This is all well 
and good, but I never receive any position reports. I have discussed 
this with Michael Cai and he basically confirms that my system is setup 
properly. I have faithfully followed all his suggestions. I have yet to 
receive any position reports.

Can anyone suggest anything further I can do? Should I try connecting to 
some other server? If so, which one(s)?

Any enlightenment will be appreciated.




*Victor Fraenckel
victorf ATSIGN windreader DOT com**

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