[aprssig] Local Repeater Displays on Mobiles

AE5PL Lists HamLists at ametx.com
Thu Jan 25 05:42:30 EST 2007

Yes, some older GPSs don't handle 9 character waypoints (the newer
Garmins do but you must have the D7/D700 set to send 9 character names
as well).  To program for the least common denominator, IMO, leaves a
lot to be desired.  You get all the info by looking up on the D7/D700
where it is easy to see the -R (Bob, if you are doing lookups while you
are in motion behind the wheel, you are spending way too much time with
your eyes off of the road).  I find it interesting that Bob has been a
big proponent of IRLP, EchoLink, and Winlink objects to use the SSID or
the first two letters of the object name as a visual identifier that it
is that type of object, yet he doesn't like that idea for voice

Bob's refusal to say "OK" to adding ,TCPIP* to the third-party path is
odd too: it takes care of APRS-IS being a factor in this discussion with
minimal effort.  APRS-IS is not going to start handling certain objects
based on their names or symbols in certain ways out of the millions of
packets sent each day.

Yes, propagation in the DFW area where these objects can collide is
almost a daily issue.  It must be nice for Bob to live in an isolated
area where he can pass down his pronouncements with a "I don't care if
it doesn't work for you 'cuz we don't have that problem here" attitude.

As far as the RNG number goes, yes I was talking about the range number
being visible on a D7/D700 (in nm, true, but at least it gets you
close).  It also lets those clients that properly decode the 7 character
extension properly map the coverage circle.  This, too, has been used
for some time by the Winlink guys in their Telpac node objects.  This
part about properly coded clients mapping the range circle is something
to consider when creating these objects.


Pete Loveall AE5PL
pete at ae5pl.net

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ron
> Posted At: Wednesday, January 24, 2007 6:30 PM
> Subject: RE: [aprssig] Local Repeater Displays on Mobiles
> Thanks for more input Pete. I like the callsign-R but
> I was considering some other angles too. Not only how
> it displays on my D7, but also how it appears on my
> GPS (Fortrex201).
> With callsign-R the '-R' is truncated on the GPS which
> is not so bad but the use of the rptr freq really
> shows up better than just another callsign on the
> little screen.

> I don't think you meant that the RNGxxxx was actually
> decoded as much as it was easy to compare that range
> 'number' to the next screen which shows the actual
> direction and distance to the object.
> In my case I added the 'km' to the number to indicate
> km.

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