[aprssig] A new release of BPQ32 is available

Bill Vodall WA7NWP wa7nwp at gmail.com
Mon Feb 19 20:21:17 EST 2007

Hey Ron, you didn't mention the hot news...   This looks BIG!

"This new version, while retaining the ActiveX (OCX) interface, offers
a new program interface, AGWtoBPQ, bringing the full capabilities of
BPQ32 to existing user programs having an AGWPE compatible interface."

On 2/19/07, Ron Stordahl <ron.stordahl at digikey.com> wrote:
> A new beta release of BPQ32 packet node software is available in the
> files section of the BPQ32 Yahoo Group:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/BPQ32/files/BPQ32_410aBeta19Feb2007

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