[aprssig] European Digipeating standards

Jan T. Pharo la2bba at jpharo.net
Tue Feb 6 16:37:44 EST 2007

"Andy AB9FX" <ab9fx at aprs.pl>, Tue, 6 Feb 2007 13:50:24 -0600:

>No, in Poland there is no RELAY, no WIDE, no TRACE, no TRACEn-n
>There are just W1, Wn (traceable) and SPn (non-traceable)
>So, red is not proper color for digi standars in Poland.

Thanks, Andy!
Well, then it's OK.
South West Norway (approximately), EI, SP, and TF: Green.
Denmark: absolutely brownish.
Rest of Europe: Red, unstructured, as you like (or dislike).

Network Analysis within 1000 km of my QTH (59N,011E)
||141   WIDEn-n 
||57    WIDE 
||6     WIDE1-1 
||73    TRACEn-n 
||1     TRACE 
||35    RELAY 
||59 RELAY, WIDE, TRACE, WIDEn-n, TRACEn-n	24,4%
||0 RELAY, WIDEn-n, TRACEn-n	0%
||57 RELAY, TRACEn-n (EU Nirvana)	23,6%
||11 RELAY, WIDEn-n	4,5%
||5 WIDEn-n, TRACEn-n	2,1%
||110 WIDE1-1,WIDEn-n (USA Nirvana - IF Traceable)	45,5%

(the "nirvana" text is not mine, but the standard text from the
analysis application)

73 de Jan, LA2BBA
Hvaler, Norway

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