[aprssig] LORAN evolution seeks comments

Chris Kantarjiev cak at dimebank.com
Thu Feb 1 18:55:36 EST 2007

LORAN continues to evolve - take a look at http://www.loran.org. And
check this out:

--- Forwarded message:---

The U.S. Federal Register comment period ends February 7, 2007. Don't put it 
off! The ILA is submitting a variety of materials, with the help of some Board 
members, but we still need for every ILA member to submit.

Just a one-paragraph note is all that's needed, clearly stating your position 
on the issue of completing eLoran and continuing the Loran service as a 
partner with GPS to protect the Critical Infrastructure.

The submission process is easy; 

        - go to http://dms.dot.gov
        - hit "simple search"
        - enter docket number 24685 and hit "search"
        - hit "submit" and follow the dots.

73 de chris K6DBG

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