[aprssig] Voice Alert Travelers...

George Ring ringg at starband.net
Mon Dec 31 23:00:14 EST 2007


I share your frustration.  I've made a couple of trips down I-81, I-95
from Syracuse, NY to Florida, and east on I-90, etc to Oklahoma .  I use a
D-700 and a laptop running WinAPRS.  I can see digis and mobiles on my
laptop screen.  However, I believe it was in northern FL and southern GA
that there was a big dead zone where I saw nothing at all.  Oklahoma was
also pretty dead if I remember.   In contrast to you, I rarely saw mobiles
on my screen, and I never heard a Voice Alert, although i tried it once
with no success. Occasionally I would see a mobile coming within range,
but I wasn't able to contact him/her because I didn't know which of the
many local repeater frequencies he/she was monitoring.  It would be
helpful if every mobile would add a Status line with the frequency he/she
is monitoring - other than the voice alert.   All the way to Oklahoma and
back to Syracuse, I only succeeding in making contact with one mobile
briefly near St. Louis.  Otherwise - dead.

Even now on my laptop I see about 25 digipeaters or weather stations, only
one or two of which have any useful contact info on their beacons.  There
are only 5 mobiles, 4 of which appear to be parked, and all of them are
out of my local voice repeater range.  So in my small environment I see
approximately a 5:1 digi:mobile ratio.  In other words the digis are
talking to themselves.  Am I missing something????

So here it is New Year's Eve, and I was hoping to wish a mobile a Happy
New Year, but alas...only a bunch of unmanned digipeaters.

So I'll wish everyone on the list a Happy New Year. 73

George KC2RAC

>> My Travels down I-81 and I-40 through VA and Tennessee:
>> I found dead zones again around...
> Also, Voice Alert was frustrating.  I heard almost a dozen Voice
> Alert pings, but when I retnrned the CQ, there was no one there
> except in only one case.  I did find one human and had a nice
> qso.
> It is not fair to be transmitting VOIce Alert PL (CQ on all your
> packets) if you are not listening by ear with CTCSS 100 for
> calls!
> Bob, WB4APR
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