[aprssig] Broken digis (W0APR-3, for example)

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Thu Apr 26 16:33:36 EDT 2007

Thanks Jerome,

Your enumeration of each of the New-N features is helpful so
that maybe people will see how all of the details of the New-N
paradigm all work together to greatly improve the APRS network
for the users...  WB4APR

> -----Original Message-----
>    !3832.43N\09333.23W_PHG9760 
>    W-R-T Windsor MO KCAWG Digi/WX Stn
> W0XXX-3>APRS,WIDE3-3,qAO,K0SUN-10:blna
>    :Contact Sysop XXXX (xxxxx at xxxxxx) if problems.
> W0XXX-3>APRS,WIDE3-3,qAO,K0SUN-10:blna
>    :W0XXX-3 back on air with temporary radio Apr18 06
> The above is an example of a woefully out of date digi.  
> <SNIP>
> ...does not do path tracing of WIDEn-N 
> .. Still digis RELAY, ... Perpetuates obsolescence
> digis on WIDE and TRACE, both obsolete -- same comment
> The beacons are going out with a three hop path. (= 4)
> ...TNC/version is not shown in the destination field.
> Nor is the proper overlay being used.
> Nor is the proper symbol being used (WX)

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