[aprssig] KC8UCH balloon over western PA right now, reaching NE Maryland by 10am

Gregg Wonderly gregg at wonderly.org
Mon Apr 2 10:08:31 EDT 2007

Wes Johnston, AI4PX wrote:
> Since most trackers only have two mode, maybe a way to shut off the
> GPS would be via impact sensor of some sort.  Modes 1 and 3 are very
> similar, maybe there's room here for a compromise that would allow
> this idea to work with only two modes?

Depending on density of air, the deployment of the parachute might create an 
"impact", so be careful about how this happens.  I'd say turn it off based on 
altitude changes.  If the altitude doesn't change by more than XXX feet between 
reports, you are down on the ground.

Gregg Wonderly

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