[aprssig] PCSAT-1 (NO-44) Special Event Thursday Morn

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Fri Sep 29 07:43:11 EDT 2006

PCSAT-1 Special Event (results)

Thanks to you guys that participated.  You may continue to
transmit unattended VIA PCSAT-1 as long as she stays up.  The
students were like "wow"...  The posits below were shortened by
cutting out the LAT/LONG but many show the statistics we were

> We'd like to demo PCSAT-1 to students on this Thursday 28 Sept
> at 0923 EDT and 1112 EDT over the eastern USA....
> 1) Attended stations set posit rate to 2 minutes
> 2) Unattended stations set APRS posit rate to 5 minutes
> 3) Include ur name, TX power and ANT Gain

RESULTS SUMMARY:  Knowing the TX rate and EIRP, it is clear to
See that even 5W HT's can get in with a J-pole (3dB)

2 minute rate stations
  50W EIRP 5 hits
 150W EIRP 8 hits
 120W EIRP 4 hits
  10W EIRP 3 hits

5 min rate stations
 120W EIRP 2 hits  end of pass
  10W EIRP 3 hits
  20W EIRP 1 hit

Unknown rates
  50W EIRP 1 hit
  40W EIRP 6 hits
  90W EIRP 4 hits

Here is the raw data W/O LAT/LONG to fit:

1 VE3FFR    =281329z- (UIV32N)
5 KC0RWZ-2  =281330z`Brian,2min,25w,3.7dBi,Hi Navy retired
2 W3ADO-6   @281330zK000/000/TH-D7/M0/Off duty..
8 KB1GVR    =281331z-2min 50W 5.5dBi omni. Nice work!
3 WA4AEJ    =281331zyDale in Niceville, FL {UISS50}
4 W1CGA-1   =281331zK_2min,10W,11dBiYagi CGA says Go MIDS
1 N9IDH-7   @281331z[000/000/TH-D7/M2/In Service
15N1XED     =281331z-73, FROM RIK, FN44ch {UISS50}
4 VE2FDA    =281332z-Francois, 45W, 3db,Go boys {UIV32N}
2 KI4LMR-3  @281332z>000/000/TH-D7/M0/Off duty../A=-00089
6 WA1KAT    =281333z-Topsfield,MA 10W collinear
3 N1CLV-8   =281335zCWayne, 2 min, 5W, 3dbi omni, Go CG!
13W3ADO-15  /281335z->FM19sa/- unattended use 5 min rate.
3 N1CLV-8   =281336zCWayne, 5 min, 5W, 3dbi omni, Go CG!
2 N3ZLL-5   @281339zK000/000/D-700/C1/Custom   1
2 W1CGA-1   =281340zK_5min,10W,11dBiYagi CGA says Go MIDS
1 KB2M-7    @281518zj000/000/D-700/M2/In Service/A=-00072
1 W4HFZ     =281519z-Chas,25w,3db Omni,Subs Rule!{UIV32N}
1 W8AAS     /281519z]Dave,5min,10W, J-pole
? N4ZQ-2    no posit

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