[aprssig] New Kenwood radio?

Jason Rausch jason at ke4nyv.com
Mon Sep 18 23:06:45 EDT 2006

--- Bob Burns K4RXR <k4rxr_ at rlburns.net> wrote:

> One more thing, Steve Bragg made a cryptic comment
> in the HamHUD 
> group about Kenwood's new APRS radio having
> competition when it comes 
> out. Well, first of all, I don't think we have any
> proof that Kenwood 
> has a new APRS radio, though they may have a new
> non-APRS dual-bander 
> coming soon. It sure sounds like they are still
> fishing for design 
> ideas for an APRS radio. And, secondly, which
> manufacturer is going 
> to choose to compete in that market after Alinco and
> Kenwood have had 
> the combo-TNC/radio market to themselves all this
> time?

I'm not at liberty to say much more than, there is a
lot going on in the background...outside of the
Kenwood/Alinco APRS world.

Jason KE4NYV
RPC Electronics
HamHUD Team

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