[aprssig] RatShack-Sony w/MFJ-1270C & PK-900

Matthew Stennett wa4tkg at yahoo.com
Sat Sep 16 11:13:05 EDT 2006

How does one wire the Infamous Sony-RatShack into
either the 
MFJ-1270C or an AEA PK-900?
  I looked at the AEA manual, and SUPPOSEDLY, I need
to make some PIA  (self defined) Interface Box of
sorts, (Capacitor &/or Resistor Combo) in order to get
a GPS to function with it. 
 Anyone care to comment ?
I have patched the RX into my Belkin USB< >Serial
adaptor, and SEE the GPS strings, but not sure (fairly
sure) the Signal is NOT being transmitted.  


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