[aprssig] Recommended IGate Connection

Joel Maslak jmaslak-aprs at antelope.net
Mon Sep 11 15:56:50 EDT 2006

On Sep 11, 2006, at 7:49 AM, AE5PL Lists wrote:

> If you are using aprsD as only an IGate, have it connect to port 14580
> on the servers.  This is minimal bandwidth but fully supports  
> messaging.
> You can also use javAPRSSrvr which gives you the ability to add  
> filters
> to the upstream login if you want to see certain other things.
> javAPRSSrvr is free for amateur use by emailing to me directly at
> pete at ae5pl.net (not my list address).

I moved things to port 14580.  I'm not particularly concerned about  
bandwidth on my end, but I figure no use in tying up the core with  
packets the core doesn't need to send.

Other than a JVM (are there any versions that are a gotcha?), are  
their any requirements for running javAPRSSrvr?  Is performance going  
to be reasonable on a 256 MB RAM/Pentium III 700 MHz machine?

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