[aprssig] Hoss Traders Hamfest - Ye Olde Disk Shop will be there

Brian Riley brianbr at mac.com
Wed Oct 4 10:47:56 EDT 2006

I will be attending and selling at the Hosstraders Hamfest in  
Hopkinton, New Hampshire on Friday 6 october, pretty much all day and  
a couple of hours in the evening. I will not be there on Saturday.

I will have the FT817 Power Conditioner Kits, the K107 Serial, LCD  
Controller kits and an assortment of displays, (parallax) Propeller  
Robot Controller kits. The remaining stock of BS2OEM boards, MSP430  
chips, crystals and connectors, etc.

"Show Special" pricing will essentially be web pricing minus the non- 
existent shipping and handling for cash across the table.

Hope to see you all there.

cheers ... 73 de brian  riley,  n1bq , underhill center, vermont
   <http://web.mac.com/brianbr/>  Tech Blog
    Home of the
       K107 Serial LCD Controller Kit   FT817 Power Conditioner Kit
       Tab Robot Laser Tag Kit            MSP430 Chips and Connectors
       Propeller Robot Controller         SX48 "Tech Board" Kit

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