[aprssig] PHG in APRS and Xastir?

Kai Gunter Brandt kai.brandt at hjemme.no
Thu May 11 11:45:22 EDT 2006

Jan T. Pharo wrote:

>Kai Gunter Brandt <kai.brandt at hjemme.no>, Thu, 11 May 2006 17:04:18
>>UI-view is probably the only program not using this function from the 
>>program but from a plugin.
>In Ui-View, you can enter PHG in the beacon comment, and it will get
>propagated right after the position values as it should, for APRS
>users to see in their maps. To _see_ PHG circles in your UI-View, you
>need the plugin.
Yes i know this but its not displaying the circles and this was my point..

And if you have some other info in this field in UI-View then the TH-D7 
and TM-D700 is not displaying this information corectly.
So its useless without the plugin. But ok if you dont want to see the 

The plugin also display the circles different than xastir and AGWTracker:

"The default plot of all PHG Range circles is at the "half-size" scale which
is much more appropriate for mobiles who have multipath, fading and other
problems that shorten their usable range. By displaying the range circles at
half-size, it keeps the map from being too cluttered. You can turn on full-
size PHG circles."

But maybe the author of the plugin can make an upgrade to enable both 
"half-size", "real-size" and a option for displaying smaler circles on 
mobile station than stationary.

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