[aprssig] APRS path in Western PA....

Jan T. Pharo la2bba at jpharo.net
Tue May 9 01:25:05 EDT 2006

"Stan - N0YXV" <n0yxv at gihams.org>, Mon, 8 May 2006 19:44:11 -0500:

>I'm confused...what's IMHO? Does the "or any other buttons" apply to your
>windshield wipers? And if so does that mean you have to pull over to the
>side of the road when it rains to turn them on? What about your Headlights,
>Turn Signals or Horn? They all happen to be buttons too.

(1) IMHO is an abbreviation for In My Honest Oppinion, and has been in
use in usenet news and in email lists for quite some time. More than
15 years.
(2) With "other buttons" I mean those not connected with the use of
the car for safe driving. Like, dialing a cell phone number, reading
an APRS or an SMS message or keying a reply to those.

73 de Jan, LA2BBA
Hvaler, Norway

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