[aprssig] TH-D7 and Group Code

Chris Rose kb8uih at sbcglobal.net
Tue Mar 7 20:57:20 EST 2006

I believe that refers to messages, not packets in
general.  I looked at the manual again and don't have
any more suggestions other than to move off frequency.

Good luck,


--- Steve Sobodos <steve at scsvideo.com> wrote:

> I plan on using the D7's in search and rescue. I
> thought that putting SPCL in the group code
> (Unprotocol), the D7 would only "Hear" the other
> stations with the same code. I quote from the manual
> :"Enter "SPCL". You will receive only APRS packets
> that include SPCL as a Group Code."
> The use in SAR is that the teams can see how close
> and what direction the other teams are. The problem
> in Southern California is that there are very many
> other stations and the list in the D7 gets so long
> it becomes quite a pain to find the other stations
> in the list. I set up a couple of D7's with the
> Group Code of SPCL but the D7 still hears everybody.
> What am I doing wrong? Is there another way to
> filter the D7 beacons?
> The Group Code does me no good in UI-View as it
> seems to not be supported as a filter. I end using
> the callsign in the exclusions list in the form
> "!TEAM*" to only include calls that start with TEAM.

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