[aprssig] PK-12 mystery

Joe Della Barba joe at dellabarba.com
Tue Mar 7 04:31:56 EST 2006

Somehow the PK-12 got set to 7-E-1. I have no idea how, but I put it 
back to 8-N-1 and all is well.

apratt at bestbits.org wrote:

>On Mon, 06 Mar 2006 20:13:11 -0500, Joe Della Barba wrote:
>>TiÀew±Áe PK-12 D±t± CoÅtroller
>You are seeing parity bits as if they are part of the data. Your
>terminal program is set for eight data bits, no parity when it should
>be set for seven data bits, even parity.
>(An impromptu lecture on what parity bits actually *are* almost
>appeared here, but it's off-topic.)
>I can't explain why it changed, but that's what you're seeing.
>-- Allan Pratt, apratt at bestbits.org

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