[aprssig] FINDU Pressure Display

Robert Kirk isobar at bcpl.net
Sun Mar 5 16:33:21 EST 2006

Thanks, Andy. I'd never seen those maps before. They really do show the 
barometric trends. I still have a bias for fixed axes, so wish the FINDU 
one would expand some. I'll try to get more familiar with JFINDU.

Bob Kirk

At 09:41 AM 3/3/06 -0600, Andy AB9FX wrote:

>----- Original Message ----- From: "Robert Kirk" <isobar at bcpl.net>
>To: "TAPR APRS Mailing List" <aprssig at lists.tapr.org>
>Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2006 12:28
>Subject: [aprssig] FINDU Pressure Display
>>My email  a while ago about 3 digit pressure encoding reminds me that the 
>>current display scale on FINDU makes it tough to interpret pressure 
>>tendencies. The scale runs about  0950 to 1080mb which mostly makes a one 
>>day view of pressure nearly flat.  Since a look at pressure tendency is 
>>much more important than the absolute pressure itself, and a change of 
>>only 2mb an hour is a warning signal and lesser changes are important, 
>>the display is less useful than a good look at the needed inflection 
>>points and slope  which are now so hard to read.
>In this case, wx chart under www.jfindu.net is more useful. The y axis are 
>adjusted to extreme values. Try something like this
>and choose 1 day, click Create Chart.
>Then you see pressure tendencies much more clear.

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