[aprssig] Knoxville digi

William McKeehan mckeehan at mckeehan.homeip.net
Thu Jun 29 10:59:25 EDT 2006

The problem is two-fold.

First, the hardware is older. This is not really a problem because, as you
point out, there are many soltions to this issue.

Second, the owner has not been willing to make the changes thus far.

We have tried to get the digi owner to make changes, but have been waiting for
over a year for the changes to happen and they have not. We have secured tower
space in a location that should provide similar coverage to the current digi
and have proceeded to get all of the equipment that we need to put up a new
paradigm digi.

On Thu, June 29, 2006 10:36 am, Robert Bruninga said:
> There were some emails about the old WIDE digi in Knoxville.
> I didnt keep any of them, but had a final thought.
> If the problem is the hardware then there are easy fixes
> which can still use the existing hardware.
> If it is an old digi that only supports one ALIAS (WIDE)
> then simply change that to "WIDE1-1".  This will
> instantly upgrade the Knoxville area to respond to all
> mobiles passing through.  SIMply change its DIGI ICON
> to a "1" overlay and include "W1 only" in the position comment.
> If it can support more than one alias then used these aliases:
> WIDE1-1,WID2-2,WIDE2-1,WIDE3-3
> And give it an overlay of "P" and put "W1,2,3 one-hop only."
> in its comment field.
> THat way, you dont have to swap out any hardware,
> just change a few parameters.  While you are there, of course,
> make sure it is only beaconing its position no farther than
> 1 HOP, since it can hit all digipeaters within 100 ore more
> miles...
> Again, If I am missunderstanding the problem.... ignore me.
> de Wb4APR, Bob
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William McKeehan
Internet: mckeehan at mckeehan.homeip.net

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     - Ralph Waldo Emerson

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