[aprssig] aprsd passcode problems - unverified

Doug Ferrell kd4moj at kd4moj.org
Tue Jun 20 18:50:34 EDT 2006

> If you guys want to launch another aprsD server, you might want to be
> sure not to add just another Mic-E mangler to the club of ARRS-IS
> QRM'ers.
> All the top positions of the current Mic-E manglers are held by aprsd
> "servers".

  	Interesting (not to start a flame I assure you).... since I was one of
the top offenders at one point (only 78 bad packets as of today) using
aprsd, I took the server offline and monitored the raw RF feeds off the air.

	 By watching packets, I was seeing the same "errors" posted on the France
web page. i.e. missing brackets from TMD-700a's, spaces in the first 9 bites
moving table selectors to byte "10" etc.

So it seems, that:

	#1. aprsD just passes along what it hears (therefore mangled the packet)
	#2. other Igates if they see mangled packets from the users due to RF
paths, not decoding the full packet sent etc,  don't pass that data and
therefore not posted??????

	I am researching Javaprsserver as an alternate Igate but I wanted to know
if this is how the other igates works.

 	If anyone could educate me on this my ears are wide open. My aprsd doesn't
convert MIC-E BTW,  which is an option.


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