[aprssig] WIDEn-N 'Decay Sequence'

Anders Green anders at pobox.com
Mon Jun 19 11:20:19 EDT 2006

At 10:48 AM 6/19/2006, VE7GDH wrote:
>Anders (callsign?) wrote...

Ooops, sorry: ki4iwx :)

>Hopefully some of that is already explained above, but... The reason for the
>WIDE1-1 is so that it will hopefully be digipeated by a WIDEn-N digi, but if
>it isn't heard by try WIDEn-N digi and it is heard by a "home fill-in digi"
>that responds to WIDE1-1. 

So here the definition of a "home fill-in digi" is one where it
hears the packet, rebroadcasts it without any processing, and has
as (one of) it's alias, "WIDE1". (Or would it be sufficient for
it to have a "WIDE" alias?)

>Digi paths are used sequentially. e.g. if you used a path of VE7XYZ,WIDE2-2
>and he digi VE7XYZ didn't hear you, any WIDEn-N digipeaters in the vicinity
>would just ignore it. Only if VE7XYZ hears the beacon and digipeats it will
>a WIDEn-N digi that can hear VE7XYZ respond to it.

Ahh, so with a "VE7XYZ,WIDE2-2" path, the ONLY way 'out' would
be for the packet to be bounced by the station with an alias of
VE7XYZ, and then outward. Would I assume that if VE7XYZ acted
upon my packet because I had VE7XYZ in my path, that it would
not subtract me down to WIDE2-1 upon it's broadcast. (Assuming
VE7XYZ was also a WIDEn-N digipeater.)

>WIDE1-1 should NEVER be used after WIDEn-N. 

Ahh, so not only is the path order sequential, but a 'proper'
WIDEn-N digipeater will only act on the first thing in the
path string? So it would be like this:

WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1 (original)
WIDE1-0,WIDE2-1 (re-broadcast #1)
WIDE2-0 (re-broadcast #2)

(Assuming that there were digis with aliases WIDE1 and WIDE2
to pick up the signals.)

>Definition... WIDE3, WIDE2, WIDE1 etc. are aliases.

Can I infer from your example that, in general, large/high
digis have an alias of WIDE2, while smaller/more local will
have an alias of WIDE1?

>>Patience with me please, I got my D700 last week and only
>Nice radio!

So far, it's super cool. :)

>Set the callsign to yourcallsign-7 for the SSID 

>and set the path
>to WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1 and you should be off to a good start! 


>Read up on "voice alert" and get that set up. It involves enabling CTCSS on

Got that going. :)

>I gave an example of WIDE3-3 above. 

Now, why have I not seen any examples of a path with "WIDE2-3", which
would seem to indicate three hops from a WIDE2 aliased digi? Answer
A is "Because you don't need that many hops, silly!", but I'm wondering
why it seems that the SSID is never higher than the (desired max) hop number?

>"I may be lost, but I know exactly where I am!"

There's also :

"Just because I don't know where I am doesn't mean I don't know where to go!"


| Anders Green
| ki4iwx

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