[aprssig] Finding HF GATEs on FINDU

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Wed Jul 26 18:04:18 EDT 2006

>>> ben at ben.com 07/26/06 5:20 PM >>>
>Is there an easy way to identify all the HF GATEs?  
>I'm watching an APRS-IS feed filtered for /& 
>(described as "HF GATE") and \- ("HF home")
>only a fraction seem to be on HF.  

Those descriptions derived back from 1993 before we had Igates.
When IGates came out, we receommended that HF gates use an
"H" overlay (H&)  and Igates use an "I" overlay (I&).

Doing a FINDU search by symbol won't work because when you
put "&" into the CGI, it chokes.  Maybe steve can include
"ampersand" as a string to replace "&" when seraching
for GATES.  Then the URL would be:


and the second one would show you all "H" gates and the third one
all "I" gates.

de Wb4APR, Bob

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