[aprssig] is that pcsat2 in the background ?

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Sun Jul 23 14:45:14 EDT 2006

>Is that PCSAT2 in the background?

Good eye! Close, but no cigar.  PCSAT2 is actually the 5th flight of
MISSE, Materials In Space Science Experiments (the suitcase)...

PCSAT2/MISSE5 is on the ISS, but MISSE's have flown before
on MIR and ISS but none have had an active RF payload.
When we heard of them, we asked for a free ride and got
one on MISSE5.  MISSE5 will be returned to earth on the
next Space SHuttle at the end of August.  And hopefuly may
fly someday again...

see http://www.ew.usna.edu/~bruninga/pcsat2.html

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