[aprssig] vehicle laptop mount for APRS rig

Stan - N0YXV n0yxv at gihams.org
Wed Jul 19 17:44:00 EDT 2006

Quoting "Jan T. Pharo" <la2bba at jpharo.net>:

> "John Habbinga" <kc5zrq at gmail.com>, Tue, 18 Jul 2006 16:28:22 -0500:
> >When using the bean-bag pillow desk, I hit the brakes hard, and I mean
> >really hard, and the laptop stayed put.
> What would happen when your car is stopped from 60 m/h to zero in half
> a yard? Or hit hard from right in a crossing?

Newtons laws of Physics would kick in. An object at rest tends to stay at rest
and an object in motion tends to stay in motion with the same speed and in the
same direction unless acted upon by an unbalanced force. I always find it funny
when people don't want to wear seat belts in my car. I always tell them they can
ride on top of the car. After the usually, "WHAT DO YOU MEAN.....I'd go flying
if you stopped" I say well whats so different about the inside of the car? If
you'd fly off the top of your car in a stop you'll certainly move inside your
car when you stop. Only difference is that you have a strange thing called a
windshield that you get to go through first before you hit the street. That's of
course if your not wearing the "unbalanced force" called a seat belt.

I think (I'm talking to me too) that since we as Ham Radio Operators tend to put
lots of gadgets in our cars we all need to remember Newtons law before throwing
anything into are cars. Sorry I'll get off my soap box now. :-)

> --
> 73 de Jan, LA2BBA
> Hvaler, Norway
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