[aprssig] Track of road trip

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Mon Jul 3 10:06:37 EDT 2006

jmaslak, great post!

>... I'm surprised at how well I was tracked for the trip:

Wow, that is good coverage all over the northern USA, and probably 
the Ohio problem is simply OLD digis that are not New-N compliant.

> I'm pretty close to  concluding that voice alert is next to useless 
> (1) not many people enable it, 
> (2) use by unattended fixed (!) stations, that cause users to turn it off 
> (3) sometimes things aren't set up exactly right or one person 
>       can hear  the other but not vise-versa.

Yes, it is surprising how when we make a post about Voice Alert,
all we get is flack from the nay sayers. when in fact it is perfectly
viable and costs absolutely nothing to implement except turning
the volume up and setting CTCSS (in the mobile).  I just did an 
1800 mile round trip, and heard only one Voice Alert station too.

But that was still more than I heard on "52".

>In summary, I'd encourage people to do "little" things like 
>promoting  their hobby a little bit in appropriate ways.  
>You might be surprised  how well received it really is.


We need to PLAY radio out where radio is practical (while mobile
and in the field) and where actual humans are at the controls.
Not let our hobby dissolve into just another internet application.
But of course, our APRS-IS is the window to our hobby for those
outside looking in...

Bob, Wb4APR

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