[aprssig] DIGI posit text...

Robert Bruninga bruninga at usna.edu
Sun Jan 29 11:49:47 EST 2006

I was asked to comment on a local digi's settings
for updating to the New-N Paradigm.  I thought it
might be useful to share my response to show how 
a little attention to detail really helps the end traveler:

PHG5460 Montgomery ARC, 146.955- voice rpt

PHG5460 W2, MDn-N 146955 Vox Repeatr Montgomery ARC

Notice the proper 2-2 path
The "S" overlay
The W2, MDn-N showing this is a New-N digi with SSn support
"146955 Vox" advertising the club's voice digi
and then whatever else you want.  This will
show on a D7 or D700 front panel as:

: W2, MDn-N
: 146955 Vox

Compared to how it shows now:

: Montgomery
:   ARC, 146.

Such that the D7 user does not see the
full frequency and the D700 user sees:

: Montgomery
:   ARC, 146.
: 955 - Vo

Where as with the suggested arrangement
the D700 use would see:

: W2, MDn-N
: 146955 Vox
:  Repeatr

One reason why I want to start encouraging
people to get the frequency into those first
20 bytes is because we overlooked FREQUENCY
as a fundamental dimension of HAM radio
when designing APRS.  Every station has
a position, and a status.  But also, every
station has a FREQUENCY that it is also
usually monitoring besides APRS.  We think that
information is fundamental to the future of APRS
and want to see it appear when useful in the
first 20 bytes of all position packets where it
could be useful and parsed.   See:


Making a nice display for visitors and locals
alike.  GIving them all they need to know.


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