[aprssig] APRSLink

AE5PL Lists HamLists at ametx.com
Fri Jan 13 08:47:59 EST 2006

This has been discussed at length on the Winlink Emcomm list.  There are
some issues people need to be aware of before using it, especially in
high APRS traffic areas:

APRSLink can issue multiple message packet responses to the station on
RF.  This has the potential of causing extreme collision problems,
especially because most IGates use multiple hop paths for their standard
gating.  The collision issues could make the system unusable in many
areas due to lost packets on a congested channel.

APRSLink was designed, according to the posts on the Winlink list, for
emergency use only.  It was not designed to be used in lieu of the more
efficient and effective Winlink messaging applications such as Paclink,
Airlink, and Telpac.

APRSLink requires that you have a Winlink account already set up.  It
was not designed to be used in lieu of the single line APRS email
systems currently available.

These are some considerations each user should take into account before
diving in to try it.


Pete Loveall AE5PL
mailto:pete at ae5pl.net 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: A.J. Farmer (AJ3U)
> Posted At: Thursday, January 12, 2006 8:57 PM
> Subject: [aprssig] APRSLink
> APRSLink monitors all APRS traffic gated to the Internet and 
> watches for special commands that allow APRS users to read or 
> send short e-mail messages to and from other Winlink 2000 
> users, perform e-mail maintenance, receive notices of pending 
> Winlink 2000 e-mail via APRS and query the APRSLink server 
> for information on the closest Telpac gateway or Winlink 
> participating station.
> I tried it briefly and it seems to work as advertised.  It 
> must be very new because I have not heard mention of it 
> before.  Here is the link to the website:
> http://www.winlink.org/aprslink.htm

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