[aprssig] Ambiguity due to GPS

Andre PE1RDW aprs at pe1rdw.demon.nl
Sat Jan 7 13:43:33 EST 2006

Bill Diaz schreef:

> You really should reconsider the transmission rate your product permits
>operators to use.  UiView has an option to limit the number of packets gated
>to RF in a 1, 2, or 3 minute period.  Shouldn't be difficult to hardcode
>some reasonable limits in the firmware of your product.  This would limit
>the harm caused by excessive or abusive transmission rates.
>Bill KC9XG
If you hardcode limits then you make it unusable for fast updating 
telemetric units on a seperate qrg.
Blaming abuse by users on opentracker is like blaming Mirc for alowing 
users to write war scripts for irc.

It´s the same discusion as that of igate operators gating half the world 
to RF, you can´t blame that on the software too.

take it up with the users doing the abuse not the writer of the tool 
they use to do the abuse with.

73 de Andre PE1RDW

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